Today is the day. I used to think that 25 was so old. What am I saying? I still think 25 is old! Mentally, I refuse to believe that I am older than 22 . . . my mirror disagrees with me. Every day, when I look in the mirror (before I leave for work), there is always a new surprise waiting for me. One day it was thighs – I have no idea where those came from, or why they insist on hanging around (goodbye metabolism). Another day I noticed that my heavy earrings make my ears stretch funny and look weird (goodbye firm skin). Let’s not even talk about the stomach (I curse you, gravity). I’ve always had larger calves, but I am pretty sure they have taken on a life of their own. Just when I had a good set of clothes and figured out my fashion style, my body decides to turn 25!
When looking back at this year, the year that would usher in my 25th year of life, I came up with a math problem (which is weird because I haven’t taken math since I was 18 years old):
1 broken record player
- 1 best friend
+ 1 fun running partner
+ 1 amazing Bookmans adventure
+ 1 cancer-stricken mother
+ 3 great work friends
+ 8 new (and fantastic) freshman Latin students
- 2 roommates
+ 3 new roommates
+ 1028746 sins
+ 1 twenty-four hour Disneyland adventure
+ 500 awkward moments
+ 1 dog (complete with 1 case of valley fever and 3 unrelated infections)
+ 1 jury duty summons
+ 1 BB King concert
+ 1 new car
+ 7 teaching certification classes
- 1 plaid couch
+ 15 pairs of new shoes
+ 1 reading of The Count of Monte Cristo
+ 1 San Francisco trip
+ 1 visit to the south
+ 2 haircuts
- 1 DVD player
+ 1 excellent Younglife team
+ 1 long lost friend
+ 1 week in the Canadian wilderness
Happy 25th Birthday
Goddamn gravity anyway. Just buy more shoes and books, that's been working for me.